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Strome College of Business

Strome College of BusinessUndergraduate Advising & Career Development Services

Welcome to ODU!

The advising office is a resource to facilitate academic achievement, professional development, and overall growth to all undergraduate business majors and minors in the Strome College of Business.

You must meet with your advisor each semester to plan courses for the upcoming semester. A hold will be placed, preventing registration, until you have met with your advisor.

Our office is located on the first floor by the main foyer of Constant Hall in room 1011, in Constant Hall. If you have further questions about the program or our services, we can be reached 757-683-5777 or BusinessAdvising@baigow.net.

 Find your path

New to Old Dominion University? If you will be pursuing a Business degree the below links will help you get started. The mission of this office is to fuse student development and real world applications in helping students become mature, independent, critically thinking business people and civil servants. By graduation, students should be prepared to be lifelong scholars, leaders, and citizens.

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