
ODU Coronavirus Notice - Click Here

Following University guidelines communicated to campus on Wednesday March 11th (链接在这里) and because bet8体育娱乐入口 places top priority on the health and safety of its community, OIR will not be hosting events until further notice in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). The University urges you to bookmark and continue to refer to baigow.net/covid19, where we will post updates regularly and have an 广泛的常见问题. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate an unprecedented challenge. Our goal is to minimize the inevitable disruption and provide students with a successful completion of their spring semester.

多样性 & 包容

多样性研究所 (DI) is an experience designed to help students develop the knowledge and skills to live, 工作, and thrive in a global community. By using popular culture such as board games, 书, and movies to explain identity, DI provides a fun and engaging way to talk with one another about diversity.


The benefits of the 多样性研究所 are numerous:

  • Learn professional requirements related to operating in a diverse, 多元文化的, 和/或全局设置.
  • Develop empathy and ability to operate and promote an inclusive climate.
  • Develop communication skills needed in a pluralistic setting.
  • Create an understanding of your own identity and how it impacts your interactions with others.
  • Gain recognition by ODU community as being committed to the opportunities and challenges of 工作ing in a global community.


多样性 Education Session Topics from the Past


The event is a four-part series titled Gaming 多样性. It's a meet and Greet where we will be playing games while talking about 多样性, 差异, 和包容性, 在游戏中, in 游戏文化 and in Gaming Industry.


The second event on this 4-part series titled gaming diversity is where we learn to tackle controversial topics 在游戏中, 游戏文化, 在游戏产业中. How do gaming foster inclusion? 什么时候不是呢?? What do you do when you face bigotry or abuse in the games that you play? How can you use to explore difficult topics such as politics and history using games.


The third event of a four-part series titled Gaming 多样性 is mandatory for participation in our April Gaming Expo. Learn what we'll do and how we will build instructional games that explore sensitive issues of difference and inclusion.


This hands-on 工作shop will explore the difficult subject of dealing with difference. Your challenge is to create games designed to cultivate resilience at the intersection of discrimination and fragility. 赢得奖项!

Experiencing Social Class through Monopoly

在本次会议上, we will experience how social class (wealth, 就业, region) affects aspects of society such as housing, 获得工作机会, 税, 甚至是刑事司法, all through the classic game of Monopoly!

Queering Harry Potter: Experiencing LGBTQ+ Identity through the Wizarding World

在本次会议上, we will discuss how the Wizarding World of Harry Potter provides a unique insight into LGBTQ+ culture and identity. From men wearing pink cloaks and high heeled boots to Harry coming out of a literal closet, we will discuss Harry Potter through a queer lens.

With Liberty OR Justice for All: Can Free Speech Coexist with 多样性 and 包容?

Which is more important: protecting free speech or fostering inclusivity? Your answer may depend on your race, gender, religion, or sexual identity. 在这两个小时的会议中, we will discuss the right to free speech, 如何保护它, and when such protections are at odds with inclusivity. What should ODU students and faculty do to ensure liberty AND justice for all?

开始对话! 消除分歧!!

When it comes to engaging others with different viewpoints, how can we move beyond distrust and enter the conversation with respectful dialogue and engage in a safe judgement-free space to that are different.


This Session is a 10-week experience designed to help students develop the knowledge and awareness necessary to live, 工作, 并在全球化社会中茁壮成长.

Agents of Change in a culturally diverse world!

This Semester long session was designed to help students develop opportunities for personal and professional development in a diversified culture with the concentration on Racism, 性别歧视, 阶级歧视, Hetrosexism, Creedism, 和残疾歧视.

Experiencing Social Class through Monopoly

在本次会议上, we will experience how social class (wealth, 就业, region) affects aspects of society such as housing, 获得工作机会, 税, 甚至是刑事司法, all through the classic game of Monopoly!

Queering Harry Potter: Experiencing LGBTQ+ Identity through the Wizarding World

在本次会议上, we will discuss how the Wizarding World of Harry Potter provides a unique insight into LGBTQ+ culture and identity. From men wearing pink cloaks and high heeled boots to Harry coming out of a literal closet, we will discuss Harry Potter through a queer lens.

With Liberty OR Justice for All: Can Free Speech Coexist with 多样性 and 包容?

Which is more important: protecting free speech or fostering inclusivity? Your answer may depend on your race, gender, religion, or sexual identity. 在这两个小时的会议中, we will discuss the right to free speech, 如何保护它, and when such protections are at odds with inclusivity. What should ODU students and faculty do to ensure liberty AND justice for all?

开始对话! 消除分歧!!

When it comes to engaging others with different viewpoints, how can we move beyond distrust and enter the conversation with respectful dialogue and engage in a safe judgement-free space to that are different.