Canceling Your 住房 & 餐饮合同

By submitting the 住房 application, you have entered into a legally binding contract for the duration of the current academic year. 住房合同包括秋季和春季学期(以及大学村居民的夏季学期)。. 大学村的居民要为这次跌落承担经济责任, 春天, 和 summer portion of the agreement period. Please review the current 住房 & 餐饮合同.

希望在正式入住日期之前取消房屋分配的学生,请重新登录 房地产门户网站, select "应用 for 住房," select the appropriate term that you intend to cancel, select "Cancel On-Campus 住房,仔细阅读取消信息并按照提示操作.

5月15日前收到的取消申请可获得200美元申请费的部分减免(如果适用)。. 学分将被记入学生的大学账户,学生将被解除他们的协议.

Starting May 16 和 prior to move in, the agreement may be canceled, 但是,学生没有资格退还任何部分的申请费. 如果学生没有在住房门户网站上取消申请,并且没有占用他们的空间,则没有资格退还任何部分的申请费.

Spring Only Applications

申请春季学期的学生必须在12月15日之前收到取消申请,才有资格获得200美元的申请费减免,并从他们的住房中解脱出来 & 餐饮合同.

Starting December 16th 和 prior to move in, the agreement may be canceled, 但是,学生没有资格退还任何部分的申请费. 如果学生没有在住房门户网站上取消申请,并且没有占用他们的空间,则没有资格退还任何部分的申请费.

不占用学生分配的空间不终止住房 & 就餐协议 nor its financial obligations.

希望在正式入住日期后取消房屋分配的学生应填写“解除合同申请表” 房地产门户网站. 提交申请释放表格只是一个请求,不应该被认为是被批准的. Decision notices are sent to the students ODU email address.

**请记住,只是退房并归还钥匙并不会取消您的住房分配. 所有学生必须在住房门户网站上填写一份释放申请表格. **

Eligibility for Releases

入住后申请释放的资格要求也列在 条款 和 Conditions of the 住房 & 餐饮合同:

Petition to Release approvals include the following circumstances:

  1. Withdrawing/transferring from Old Dominion University no longer registered for any credit hours
  2. 被bet8体育娱乐入口停学或开除
  3. Marriage during the agreement period
  4. 军事 Activation of the resident
  5. December/May 毕业
  6. University-affiliated programs away from campus
  7. 情有可原的情况:如果学生经历了重大的和不可预见的变化,如果学生被关押在他们的住房中,将会造成不适当的困难 & 就餐协议.

The following common circumstances 不会 可视为情有可原的情况,包括但不限于:

  • 室友的问题
  • Signed a lease off-campus
  • Registering as an online student
  • Lack of knowledge of University or 住房 & 居住生活 policies 和 procedures
  • 饮食需要
  • Non-qualification, 后期的应用程序, or loss of eligibility for financial aid/assistance or scholarships
  • Failure to activate or maintain your official 电子邮件帐户
  • Dissatisfaction with assignment/facility
  • 大学村居民:在夏季学期注册大学以外的课程, or opting not to enroll in courses during the summer term,
  • 大学村居民:八月毕业(春季毕业时步行的居民), 但要到8月份才能正式完成学位要求, are not eligible for summer release.)

成本s Associated with Release

所有收到批准的释放申请的学生将在批准的释放申请或居民正式退房的日期按比例收取费用(包括完成以下所有内容:从房间分配中移除所有物品, completion of check-out, 和 return of room key to Front Desk), whichever is later.

除了, students will be charged a $200 cancellation fee. The only exceptions for the cancellation fee are as follows:

  1. 军事 service orders
  2. 毕业
  3. 学校主办的活动导致需要搬离该地区(实习或出国留学)


如果你收到纪律处分决定,终止你的住房 & 餐饮合同, or if you have received an interim suspension/trespass, 你没有资格申请从你的住房中释放 & 餐饮合同.

If you are dismissed from 住房 for conduct reasons, you will be held financially responsible for the contract. 您将按比例收取租金,直到您的搬迁生效日期或您退房的日期, whichever is later. 除了, 您将支付剩余合同金额的50%(如果您是Village居民,则包括夏季)。. 这适用于你是否在大学继续注册.


Academic Year Applications for 住房

Date of Requested Cancellation 过程 总成本
5月15日之前 Cancel in Application 200元申请费用的部分减免,如适用(50元不予退还).
After May 15 和 prior to Move-In Cancel in Application No partial credit of application fee. 住房 & 居住生活 keeps full application fee.
No Show for Move In / No Check In by 6 p.m. on first day of classes Contract canceled by 住房 & 居住生活 No partial credit of application fee. 住房 & 居留生活保留全额申请费,外加200美元的取消费.
入学后 Submit Petition for Cancellation Form in 房地产门户网站 申请批准后:按比例支付宿舍租金,直到申请批准或退房日期为止, whichever is later, 加上200美元的取消费(除非批准军事订单豁免), 毕业, or required move for school activity). 被拒绝的申请将被收取剩余合同的全部财务费用(村庄居民将夏季作为合同的一部分).
Termination of 住房 by University - Any date Contract canceled by 住房 & 居住生活 在搬离或退房前,按比例支付宿舍住宿费用, whichever is later, 加上全年剩余租金的50%(村庄居民将夏季作为合同的一部分).


Spring Only Applications for 住房

Date of Requested Cancellation 过程 总成本
Prior to December 15 Cancel in Application Partial credit for $200 of application fee, if applicable. ($50 nonrefundable)

After December 15 和 prior to Move-In Cancel in Application No partial credit of application fee. 住房 & 居住生活 keeps full application fee.

No Show for Move In / No Check In by 6 p.m. on first day of classes Contract canceled by 住房 & 居住生活 No partial credit of application fee. 住房 & 居留生活保留全额申请费,外加200美元的取消费.

入学后 Submit Petition for Cancellation Form in 房地产门户网站 申请批准后:按比例支付宿舍租金,直到申请批准或退房日期为止, whichever is later, 加上200美元的取消费(除非批准军事订单豁免), 毕业, or required move for school activity). 被拒绝的申请将被收取剩余合同的全部财务费用(村庄居民将夏季作为合同的一部分).
Termination of 住房 by University - Any date Contract canceled by 住房 & 居住生活 在搬离或退房前,按比例支付宿舍住宿费用, whichever is later, 加上一年剩余合同租金的50%(村庄居民将夏季作为合同的一部分).



您对取消程序有什么问题或顾虑吗, feel free to contact 住房 & 居住生活 via email at,电话:(757)683-4283,或访问我们位于弗吉尼亚大厦的办公室. Our hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.